La personne prise pour cible sur ces images est un chercheur en sciences environnmentales de l'Université de Virginie et un contributeur aux rapports du GIEC. Le Dr. Patrick Michaels est membre de l'Institut Cato, un groupe d'experts proche du parti républicain. Il est connu pour son scepticisme climatique (qui n'est peut-être pas complètement étranger à ses sources de financement...)

English version:
As I was surfing on internet some days ago, I discovered Dr. Stephen Nodvin's blog. Dr. Nodvin is the Director of the School of Arts and Sciences of Mount Ida College in Massachusetts, as well as an associate professor in natural sciences there. He kindly allowed me to use some images found on his blog, that describes the evolution of the climate deniers' speech in America.
Dr. Patrick Michaels, the target of these caricatures is an environmental science researcher at the University of Virginia. Dr. Michaels is a contributing author to the IPCC reports and a member of the Cato Institute, a think-tank close to the Republican party. Dr. Michaels' "climate scepticism" is well-known in the US, though it might be partly due to his financing sources.
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